an emotion of extreme antipathy most often shared between race, ethnic group, nation, team, etc.
Repulbican: God we hate those fucking French, they won't help us in the damn war!
Frenchman: Eat caviar-cum, bitch
by Steagles February 17, 2006
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Can be defined as a very intense professional sports rivalry. derived from the term hard on , as in a very in depth and intensely loving relationship between two people.
watching two teams with a Hate-on is often a very thrilling and hard fought experience,as both will try bring their A game and play their best.
The Toronto Maple Leafs and the Buffalo Sabres have a mad Hate-on for each other, that Buffalo player just hit that maple leafs player in the head with his stick!
by Pvmnox December 19, 2009
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a deep and passionate loathing; to despise; something that is felt by every person in the world; very conclusive hatred
I really hate that stupid bitch. She's a real hater!
by Siphon April 3, 2003
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A person that is being hated by a hater or haters.
"Dude, why does homeboy over there keep looking at you like that?"

"Oh, I'm just his hatee"
by Sage Smoke June 2, 2009
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(noun): A feeling of intense dislike towards someone who either annoys/mistreats you. Like its opposite, love, hate is often misused and faked just to get what one wants, often leading to pain and suffering.
(verb): To behave in a childish, belittling attitude towards something/someone superior to oneself. This is often done when one is jealous of the superior thing/person.
1: I hate kidz bop so much!
2: Just because Eminem can rap and sing better than you doesn't give you the right to hate on him. Find your true calling and focus on it...
by Shawn B. June 11, 2003
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Something that all men feel towards the Jonas Brothers and people who say they play the guitar but really only can play the first couple of notes of "Smoke On The Water."
Dude the Jonas Brothers beat Linkin Park for Best Band of 2008 on Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards. I hate those womanizing bastards.

I can play the guitar. -Emo lookin' kid.

What do you have? -Musician

A Fender! -Emo lookin' kid.

What can you play? -Musician

That one song that goes "duh-duh-duh-duhduhdaaaduh." -Emo lookin' kid.

Fuck you. -Musician
by @L3X May 14, 2008
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When you feel the urge to kill someone and burn there family!!!!
I hate you and i want to kill you and burn your family!!!
by fishmongril September 10, 2006
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