in hindi it means an exalted one or one who is revered by everyone for their monstrous brainiac abilities
Sylvia is the goobiest goob, must she goob it up like dat?
by Gangsta Keeeeeeeeiiiid May 17, 2008
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{ Kim has finished explaining to Jenn about the effects fishing has on her outfit planing.}

Jenn: You're such a goob!

by tconn January 26, 2009
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to get really drunk or high to the point where you just laugh and make everyone your with laugh
chick: Kuppi is so funny! i wanna hang with him again!
dude: yea he's tight! he was so goobed last night!

Dude 1: i wanna get goobed tonight
dude 2: i'm down
by Ben08Jew January 3, 2009
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Goobe; noun meaning a silly person or someone who is acting goofy
My friend Angel is such a goobe.

Hey, my names Parker and I’m a goobe.
by goobepk May 13, 2020
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1. A slang word for weed, only used by the muggiest people.
1.Alright Jon, can you pass the goob please mmmmmmmmate!
by dynozz October 23, 2006
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i am the walrus goob goob g'joob goob goob g'joob
by chilly boi January 16, 2019
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