1. pick up lines
2. skill
3. mojo/sexdrive
1. I'm feelin' ya game, I holla at you later.
2. Babyboy's got game, I don't think I can handle him.
3. Shit, baby, ya game is off...
by DarkNova April 5, 2002
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1. A term used during a game that has been interrupted to signalling time to continue. Often preceded by the term CAR and here in Canada at least usually used during street hockey.

2. A term used by an individual who has been given a challenge or seen someone do something that they plan to put do them at, at any cost.
1. After the car drove by buddy yelled game on and we got the goals back on the street and continued playing.

2.Buddy just said nobody could possibly change a tire faster than him so I said game on man!
by Broodyfour October 16, 2017
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Looking good but fumbling over your words. Also know as having the hottest girl in the bar stumble over you and you respond with "Uh-Duhhhhh". Example: hot girl in the bar like you and you act like Corky from Life Goes on.
Tony and Joey Harrington have No Game.
by ToneDick January 16, 2006
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Another way of saying owned,beat,whipped, "your dead", spanked.
J Hump was Gamed on by the pre-calc quiz
by Soccerdies January 9, 2009
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1. Used to describe an underground industry that participants "play" such as selling drugs, making rap music, pimping, or gang activity.
2. A member of G-Unit rap group who hails from Compton and was originaly signed by Dr.Dre.
1. "Don't sell your soul for this (the) rap game."
by VicHek June 2, 2004
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An affirmative confirmation of one's partaking in such activity.
by b11 July 24, 2003
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Basic (and currently definitive) rules:

1. The Game is The Game. (You'd be amazed at how many people dont actually understand this first extremeley simple fact.)

2. The object, or aim, of The Game is not to think about The Game.

3. If you think about The Game, you have lost The Game.

4. (a) If you lose The Game, you must instantly declare it to everyone around you in some manner of communication, usually by exclaiming loudly "I've lost The Game". Consequently, everyone else will then have thought of The Game, and subsequently lost it.

(b)If someone tells you they have lost The Game, you yourself DO NOT need to declare this, as from the point where the first person loses The Game everyone in the vicinity has immunity for ten minutes. In these ten minutes you cannot lose The Game.
The idea of the ten minute rule is that this allows everybody to once again forget about The Game.

5. This immunity expires exactly after ten minutes. If, after these ten minutes, you think about The Game then you have once again lost The Game and must declare.

6. (a) There is no limit to the number of times you can lose The Game. (Once you begin, you are playing forever muhahahaha!!)

(b) Some people think that they can simply 'not play' The Game. They are in denial and deserve a reality check. You cannot escape The Game once you are involved (unless you win-see Rule 7).

7. (a) There is only one way to win The Game, and that is to truly and honestly forget about it completely.
In two years of Game-ness, i have only known one person to do so, to the shock and awe of the rest of our little clique.

(b) This also means that if you do manage to win The Game, you will never know that you have won.
This is because if you know you have won, then you have just thought about it (and consequently lost).

8. If you lose The Game, and someone (foolishly) asks "whats The Game?", please either explain it to them, or direct them toward this 'manual', as an unspoken purpose to The Game is to get as many people playing as possible

THE PROBLEM: Now, if Rule 34 states "Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject. "

Since "The Game" is a subject, and there is no conceivable pornography of it, then by default, the converse of Rule 34 would be "It doesn't exist if there's no porn of it."

Therefore, The Game doesn't exist! Muahahahahahhaha
David: Dude, I just lost the game
Carl: Haha! I invoke Rule 34! I can nevar lose!1!11!1

David then procedes to kill himself, as he just created a paradox.
by Shot in the Dark June 11, 2009
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