A term referring not only to those who play video games, but also as a synonym for dope.
Sam:Hey dude look at this show.
Kale:Dope man that's pretty gamer.
by Silven_ September 12, 2020
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an individual or group of individuals who interact with software applications that identify as games or interactive environments for the purpose of enjoyment or competition
George was a gamers as he played Fold it from Fold.it.
by ResearcherOfTheArts March 15, 2015
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Somebody who discovers that real life is too boring.
I'm going to spend every minute of my week playing, because I'm a gamer
by JFireGamimg May 31, 2019
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The best type of people in the world. They are known as extremely smart, always right and call anyone who doses not agree with them a rat or short.
by gamer_69 December 13, 2018
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when you get addicted to a certain video game and cant stop playing it.
"Dude I totally got gameritis on God of War 2"
by Andrew Karlson July 20, 2007
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1. Typically Someone who Plays Video games "More" then they sleep.

2. Someone with more than $1000 put into a Gaming PC
3. has more than 500+ hours put into a single game.
Jack: "Larry, have you been up all night farming that Epic Weapon?"
Larry: "Yea dude, Been up all night Killing mobs I'm totally in autopilot mode."
Jack: You're such a hardcore "Gamer" bro.
by Rekwire February 8, 2015
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A person who majority of the time makes more money has more friends and wakes up feeling great with out worring about shit.
Dude check out that gamer he owns at halo 2.

Dude check out that dudes insanly kool computer with liquid cooling and wow its got a core 2 processor ,

us gamers often get paid more because we use computers much more often therefore we get more fmailiar with computers, and operation systems and hard ware, bcuz the grafics got to be good right?
by TTAABB September 4, 2006
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