Frig-Ironi Is a Synonym for freak Or F***. It is used when in a wild or Hectic Situation, Frig-Ironi is not to get confused with the cheesy Pasta dish Macaroni, frig-ironi is actually used in a completely different context. Not a Food !!
by ANNMOOSUY September 21, 2020
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what one will say when they wish to go down a dry ski slope on a kona mountain bike
look hes going down a dry ski slope on his uncles kona with a rabbit - "frig chig pah!!!!"
by soundbowi February 19, 2012
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an absolute tosser who has no regard for there fellow companions and loves to take it up the rummuth.
ellis kieth faulkner is a frig pot
by Jonny Pickles June 30, 2006
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a stupid word my friend kaden thought I said
Carsten: bro I hate this fricken game
Kaden:did you just said frig
Carsten: are you stupid I said fricken
by Kadwad September 7, 2023
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The ruler of a website called e-chat, there are several versions of him, the strongest one being Frig (god) and the weakest one Frigger.
Some random nigga: *breaks the rules*
Frig (god): *bans the nigga while having e-sex with several girls in main*
by GFYS the omnipotent July 12, 2019
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Every frigging night and every frigging day, I wanna frig you baby in every single way
by Lovingfunnywords August 8, 2017
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A hybrid between and pig and a frog that is typically known for bringing good luck to people if it is well respected. It breaths fire and contains three orbs and typically sits on top of baseballs. You should probably bow to it every time something good happens or else it will feel underappreciated and bring upon you bad luck. (Natural habitat is gas station claw games.)
“All hail the mighty frig
by Person180 October 1, 2017
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