the act of being blue balled numerous times while attending a school filled with hoe bags
so are we fucking or are you gonna give me the ol' Aiden foreman
by Not Aiden foreman February 11, 2023
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Another definition to say "girl" incognito
Virgins: "Hey look a george foreman is in the lobby, I hope she doesn't leave"
Chads: "Giiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrlllllllllll"
Girl: *leaves the lobby*
by Arch Magus of The Virgin World October 24, 2020
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When you accidentally s*** in the shower or tub and try to shove it down the drain with the rubber plug.
I was George Foremaning my s*** in the shower the other day the plug got so dirty.
by FUMartin February 15, 2022
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Someone who wants to fuck his giantess waifu.
Wow, Charlie, We're all happy you're finally admitting that you're a Rusty Foreman.
by The blue pole January 16, 2019
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a friend or family member who never lifted a finger to help with any kind of project but as soon as it's done they will look at the finished product and pick out whats wrong with it or what you could of done better.
Joe and i finished up building the new deck but then ken showed up and told us we used the wrong wood and screws so the deck would be rotted and falling apart by next winter. he was a real foreman hindsight.
by alberto89 December 28, 2021
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