n. Short for Final Destination Moment. Used before, during, or after a close call with death, typically involving a situation or scenario that seems unsafe or risky. From the film franchise of the same name, Final Destination.
"The truck in front of us is hauling an unsafe amount of precariously stacked mattresses, this is a total FD moment."

"Dude, I had an FD moment at the Citgo last night. Some jerkoff threw a lit cigarette down by the gas pumps."
by Tuesdays At My Crib January 6, 2012
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A sexually arousing picture of a woman with her face down on a surface (bed, floor etc.) and her ass straight up in the air.

referred to as "face down; ass up" also fd;au
by blu3hat May 7, 2013
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Dude I need to put new recaro seats in my FD car
by Only.1.of.me March 19, 2016
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A fetish where the person has an uncontrollable liking for the FD model of the Mazda RX7, produced from 1991 to 2002.
-"Why can't he settle for the RX8?"
-"I think he might have an FD fetish."
by stikshift February 20, 2007
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Random Bitch: "Hey, did you hear Palin's reality show isn't coming back for season 2?"

Me: "Meh. FDS."

RB: "What's FDS mean?"

Me: "Fuck...Dat...Slut"
by FangBangerCat666666 January 9, 2011
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This person means a lot to me. He's the best person to ever walk this earth, him and his FD. He means a lot me and I wouldn't replace him for anything in this whole universe. He's the type of person you put before anyone in your life because you'll never ever meet someone who gives you the feeling he does. He's irreplaceable.
Girl: "is that Joseph FD??????"

Me: "yes, he means a lot."
by Who is thatttt May 6, 2022
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Blu-ray Disc Fri-Day
Oh dank We are going to watch "The Rock" on Blu-ray for BD-FD
by sean C0nn3ry March 14, 2009
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