a person who attracts fat women and has sex with them
by Big teeth July 11, 2008
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a girl (or guy) that used to be really fat, but finally grew into their body and now looks pretty decent. They usually change from a nice fat kid to an arrogant/cocky prick.
Person A: Back in the day that girl used to eat cookies with me in the cafteria.
Person B: Yeah, now she ignores you and eats salad for lunch. She's a once fat bitch.
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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Refures to something that comes in an extremely large size or quantity, means super sized.
"Yeah... let me get a number three, can I get that Fat Bitch Size with a Diet Coke, and some sweet and sour sauce.
by TCW00dy March 18, 2004
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While fucking a fat bitch, prior to ejaculation pull out a bucket of marinara sauce from under the bed and throw it on her chest. Then proceed to ejaculate, a la Chicken Parmesan.
"I can't believe he Fat Bitch Parmesan'd me last night!" Helen ejaculated.
by Hyatt Bigg-Pussi December 1, 2009
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Fat mf who thinks they are better than everyone and has a tendency to be a discord mod.
Russell has fat bitch syndrome for kicking me from the server.
by WarzoneFiddler June 2, 2022
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Ugly fat bitch! Means exactly what it says. This nickname is used for some ugly fat bitch who you hate. This species only live for around to 18 years then they mainly die of alcohol poison.
Wow look at Madeline, she is such an ugly fat bitch! She is ugly, fat and a bitch. She should eat her veggies
by The diet book November 7, 2020
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