5 definitions by Ms. Apprentice

when you can fit five fingers across your forehead, as opposed to four.
She's got a five head because I can fit my whole hand between her eye brows and her hair line!
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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A show on ABC that follows singers, actors, and athletes as they work with their professional dance partners to learn different genres of dance. Each week they perform a different dance and the next night one couple is eliminated. The last couple standing is crowned the winner.
Indy 500 star, Helio Castroneves ditched the racecar and learned to cha cha cha! I can't believe he won Dancing With The Stars!
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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Hannah was acting like a smeez last night; she was all over every guy and I think she might've fucked more than one!
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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When your breath smells exactly like your ass.
Person A: Dude, you've got zactly's breath!
Person B: What's zactly's breath?
Person: It's when your breath smells exactly like your ass!
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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a girl (or guy) that used to be really fat, but finally grew into their body and now looks pretty decent. They usually change from a nice fat kid to an arrogant/cocky prick.
Person A: Back in the day that girl used to eat cookies with me in the cafteria.
Person B: Yeah, now she ignores you and eats salad for lunch. She's a once fat bitch.
by Ms. Apprentice March 4, 2008
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