past tense: ellened; past participate: ellened

1) be incredibly drunk in: a) an unsuitable situation to be drunk or b) vastly more drunk than anyone else drinking

2) damage or ruin (something)
Mate, you got so ellened last night, but I swear you had like three drinks?

You properly ellened it up big time.

Guys, I ellened up.
by KLhkjbn,'pkl,. March 15, 2016
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a former actress/comedian who is now a talk-show host on NBC who rambles on and on while you wait for the punch line, and a neurotic, fool of a person who used to be funny but is now only a terribly dressed, crazy dancer on a very highly popular, publicized talk show.
did you see ellen dancing on her show last night?

yeah but what did that bitch have on?

yeah, and was tht "joke" she told supposed to be funny?

i dunno, but I do know that I don't really like her anymore.

i feel you, dog
by Alisha-baby December 7, 2006
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man, Ninja just got ellened by Ellen
by RaptorBrain January 16, 2019
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ellens are usually ugly as fuck and looks like the sloth from ice-age. Also think they are top shit and bitch non stop about anything. They most often have a best friend called Mikaela who also thinks they are top shit and gangsta. but really havent got many friends at all and everyone hates them
what a try hard, shes such an ellen
by Jesus Christ-himself October 6, 2010
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a whore who sleeps with their bestfreinds brothers
ellen: hey i'm a whore do me.
brother: okay!
ellen i'm so loose
by penisgirl19 May 30, 2011
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To blink very tightly, but then you open your mouth very wide and clamp down on that juicy plump dick.
Oh man did you see that women do The Ellen on their husband last night?
(Guy): I could really use The Ellen right now.
by filthybro April 19, 2016
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famous woman who up in till this point has disappointed every one who isn't a white mom. no matter what she does you will always be in the shit ass you tube recommendations, with a dying career she has nothing to lose except her wife.
person1)- do you watch ellen? shes really funny.
person2)- no she wont get the fuck out of my youtube recommendations
by bigmans123 May 21, 2019
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