A very gay friend that insults you, but in a friendly kind of way, flips you off constantly each time you see each other, and gets mad pretty easily, to the point that it's amusing.
by DoorsAreGreat949 September 13, 2020
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a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.
by Astronomyst June 1, 2022
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There is no fucking way you typed door how fucking retarded are u, like for fuck sake its DOOR.
by Aydan's best friend August 18, 2020
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I don't know what you were expecting when you looked up ''Door''
by MrDeamon August 20, 2020
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I slapped my sister with a door and she’s not breathing
by Ikeisafatretard July 30, 2021
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Oikawa Tooru is called this because he is in fact, flat. He is a character from haikyuu.
Person 1: Who is your favourite haikyuu character? Person 2: Oikawa Tooru. Person 1: Do you mean the door?
by haikyuufanlol125 September 12, 2020
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