The alter ego of an inconspicuous man who takes pride in his association with a secret lifestyle of leather, metal studs, and extreme workout mixes.
Little did Sally know, on the weekends John was "The demon".
by The demonxxx August 14, 2008
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Two words: Blair Galliber. Unlike the lippo, the demon known as Blair, is retarded, stupid, ugly, and has a very loud voice. She also feasts on others by hurting them intentionally for no reason. Probably one of the worst creatures in the world - Blair/Demon. Also thinking that she is hotter than a Sports Illistrated Swimsuit model.
by Fo' shizzle March 19, 2005
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a beautiful person who has a beautiful personality and sometimes can go by the name, "lillie or lilith."
i am a demon
by awesomesauce78 September 12, 2018
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"hey, did you hear about the creeps who made the alternate urban dictionary definitions of demoned?"
by Draw923 September 3, 2020
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A girl named Daija

Who does hand work and dubsmash
Person 1# who that demon doing hand work a dubsmash

Person 2# Ohh that’s daija she always the devil man
by HEY SHISTER’s July 26, 2019
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a skinny prepubescant boy who trash talks others before owning it up
demon HAX
by a bloody victim March 22, 2003
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Dude 1: bro, my girlfriend fucked a poodle innit
Dude 2: lmao bro ur such a Demonic Clarke
by Generic_Catgirl69 October 9, 2021
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