a smiley showing gratitude or just a nice ol' thumbs up
"gj dude d(^^d)"
"gl everyone d(^^d)"
"I PWN j00! d(^^d)"
by dthhand5 April 18, 2007
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Thumbs up (expressing "good job" or general approval).

Can also be expressed as b b, bb, or dd.
Dude! Nice! d d
by Cilla Vanilla January 10, 2011
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D$D is the term one gives a pretentious, scrawny, arrogant little shit who thinks they are hard as their mum's dick. They think they are black when as white as can be, they think they come from the slums when they live in their parent's 1.2 million dollar house. They throw gang signs, wear fake diamond earings, and stand in front of 30 year old toyota camrys as if they drive a lamborghini. Also can be called 'Dollar Sign Diabs'
D$D: "Word my brah on wallah I'll stand and watch while my black friends beat you up and act as if I did it"
Friend#1: "Word"
by adlayeetswahwallahsydney June 8, 2020
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a role-playing game played by lonely white kids. D&D provides a useful social function by preventing these kids from killing themselves. It also helps to give such kids a false personality to make-up for their glaring deficits.
While playing D&D, Ted yelled in a nasally voice: "My wizard shall destroy your ogre in a manner of two hit-points... Pass me the ten-sided die Fred"

Jeb says: I will spend all of my D&D points towards my charisma category. That way I can believe that I am wOOtw00t in the face of all contradictory evidence.

In an awkward moment of reality, Terry says, "Hey Ted, Jeb, and Fred, I'm so glad we play D&D six times a week. If it wasn't for you guys, I would hang myself"
by fifteen minutes September 8, 2004
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The Term used by Geeks and Nerds alike to describe the fanatasy playing game that is Dungeons & Dragons
"Hey you want to play some D+D?"
by Lubicater April 28, 2005
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