1) to engage in anal sex with another as the performer (not the recipient); or 2) to assault another person anally with an ear of corn.
We got drunk, and I would up giving Marilyn a corn-on-the-cob job.
by markiel January 19, 2003
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When a man takes a shit and freezes it. Then a woman takes the frozen shit and uses it as a dildo.
Hey Honey, I have a Texas Corn On The Cob in the freezer. Do you want to have it after supper?
by longhairedluver April 12, 2006
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A lovemaking move. Possess your woman anally, from behind, getting a good rhythm going. Then when the moment feels right, pull out for a second to reveal a single kernel of corn resting atop your cock.

women love this move.
c'mon baby, how's about some sweet corn on the cob
by Buck Turgidson II April 19, 2011
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When that chicken head sucks a guys dick making that popping noise then front flips onto your cob with her anus
Yo Kyle got popped Corn on The Cob last night bro from that chicken head at the party
by Dixie Bulgin July 22, 2019
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We dick fat ballz has da best pure in poleglass,say nam kid he’s a we peach sum hole on him ;) should get it out if Yano Yano
Corn on da cob fancies grace but she uses him for gear and sexy time
by Anygear1212 January 29, 2019
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When two men, in naked form, habitate the same sofa whilst exploring the posiibilities (see exploring the possibilities, if you haven't figured out what that is yet...come on)
"Alright Geez, you coming out tonight"

"Nah, me and Fabrice are shootin' corn on the cob"
by Lars Lars Pants-on-Fire July 3, 2008
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This takes some preparation. First you have to take a massive oblong shit on your kitchen table/countertop. Then take the fresh dookie and immediately place it in the freezer. When the terd is good n' ready, call up some fly bitch and use it as a dildo to fuck her with.
Dude, I've been waiting all week so LaFawnduh can come over and I can give her a Texas Corn-on-the-cob.
by Robo January 4, 2005
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