Taking a friend out for a cup of chai, usually spontaneously or on the fly. Play on the word "hijack." Popular pastime on the West Coast.
"I was going down to the beach but got chai-jacked by Paula instead."

"Got chai-jacked this afternoon and I'm still buzzed from the caffeine!"
by Songstress May 20, 2008
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a cinnamon/pumpkin pie tasting hot drink from dunkin donuts that you either love or hate
laura drank a vanilla chai when she went to dunkin donuts.
by the real lbc October 14, 2008
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Founded by Brandon Pa, the word “Ngai Chai” is commonly used in Sarawak region, Malaysia. Ngai Chai is used to express the seriousness of matter. It can be use as an adjective or as an expression such ah “wow”
Ngai Chai, this case is getting serious.
This case getting really Ngai chai.
by Xanxus888 November 1, 2017
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Chai Tea is the most wonderful thing in the world. It is aromatic sip after aromatic sip of delightful herbs and spices. It is the go-to drink for café-goers of taste, and will quickly dissolve your troubles and fears. Somehow, despite it's majesty, it was recipient of quite the redundant name: "Chai" literally means "Tea," so when sipping up some of the sweat beverage, you will really be enjoying some "Tea Tea." Perhaps this is simply a testament to how deeply fulfilling the drink is to all of tea kind.
Jane went to the café on the corner street and enjoyed some delicious and wholesome Chai Tea.

As Jane was engulfed in the captivating aromas of the drink, her troubles melted away.
by Reine Odette March 3, 2014
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typical chinese male who have funky hairstyles, bell bottom pants which are bigger than 18" rims, collared shirts with dragon patterns and only speaks cantonese. **he has no clue how to speak english, and when he does, you won't understand anything**
hey bro, that lala chai looks like a mix between a rooster, a trumpet and monkey.
by WiLLy88 August 7, 2006
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the best drink ever made. Its a tastey tea mixed with milk and honey perfect for those rough days.
Bryndon the hippie had 3 cups of oregon chai
by G-EWING 09 March 7, 2009
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