Someone who wears all the latest trends, often to impress friends and those of the opposite gender
Why do you like hanging with skrr skrr boys/girls ?
by litEnglish August 20, 2018
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when someone say something that is stupid or is false.. instead of getting mad just say boy/girl bye
Boy: The Lakers gonna win next year
Girl: Boy Bye!!
by Ebony July 24, 2003
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1.) A Mixed/Mulatto person.

2.) A blend of any two races.
1.) I only flux with peanut butter boy/girls.

2.) Damn, check that peanut butter chicks butt.

3.) Peanut butter dudes have good taste.
by Peanut Butter Nicka July 24, 2012
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Boys/girls that are too cheap to go to imax on any other day but wednesday, when tickets are only N1000. You would usually see them wearing thrasher and adidas track pants and nike 97s (boys), Crop top and jean skirts with old school vans(girls).
Lmao, guy did you see those IMAX on wednesday boys/girls listenting to Trill Tega. Ew!
by runonthosedigits September 27, 2018
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Cummie Bottom Boy/Girl is a term used for the masters of all types of sex, from BDSM to Sexting. They are true masters of the sex. They know every way of stimulation and pleasure, they have the ability to make you climax no matter what, they control everything, you cannot fight back, they will make you climax. Not everyone can have such a title.
Person 1: "Are you a Cummie Bottom Boy/Girl?"
Person 2: "What is that?"
Person 1: "It's someone that is a master of sexual activities"
Person 2: "Wao, I didn't know that was a thing, thanks for this crucial piece of information my comrade."
by CummieCaffeine January 9, 2020
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One who is percieved as a dirty diapper person in the correct context.
Hey diapes that was hella dank newb. You're a clown diapper boy/girl.
by Newb Pwnr November 24, 2007
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