an item used to post crappy ads on and pollute our minds. except for the Tide ones, cuz they're cool.
That Tide billlboard is awesome!
by alana July 4, 2003
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to make a fact about oneself evident no matter how true it is (most likely to look and feel cool)
"she was billboarding the fact that she does drugs in front of the homies"
by kate July 3, 2003
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Something you see on highways that shouts "please spray paint grafitti on me!"
I was doing fine until I crashed into that billboard.
by Shaqburger July 2, 2003
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Large distraction of metal and wallpaper, placed on the side of major highways, used mainly to advertise fast-food restaraunts and, in the southern states, Gentlemens Clubs.
Honey, the kids are hungry. Let's stop at Southern X-posure; it looked cozy on the billboard.
by Nitza July 7, 2003
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Someone who wears blatantly branded clothes as a status symbol. For example, a shirt that says "GUCCI"
Moron: You know, only losers buy their kid's clothes at Walmart. You should start buying them Nike and Gucci like me.

Normal person: ok billboard
by derilictism February 12, 2022
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Large distraction along busy highways usually displaying things I love and conservation bible toting Christians hate (i.e. cleavage, booze, cigarettes and tight asses)
Officier, I wouldn't have rear ended that car if I wasn't staring at those hugh tits on the Trump Marina Billboard.
by jam July 3, 2003
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A big ass sign, usually an advertisement on the side of the road while driving
Damn look at that billboard, it even changes colors.
by Billy D July 11, 2003
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