a unique combination of nagging and whineing, normally carried out by the female of species to draw the attention of its counterpart.
(ref: noises of a female gull to attract attention)
by E.D.V.C January 4, 2005
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To sneeze into a women's vagina. A sexual act
by Kobale December 19, 2009
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An unbetable fearse creature when it comes to talking. This creature poseses the power to keep talking at all times. It will help punk Jorhoes at any time a Jorhoe attacks verbaly.
The Beak attacked a Jorhoe verbaly a week before he was fired
by JFP PRODUCTIONS July 20, 2003
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To interfere in an illegal way whilst making an infuriating sound. Frowned upon, especially in north London.
I caught the dude beaking. I sawed his wings right off.
by CrustGoodFriends January 24, 2009
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the act of “insert action” to poachy smalls, it can mean a variety of things so long as it’s applying to the beak aka “poachy”

Ie, to fulfill a task with Poachy or complete an assignment with the aid of poachy/ receiving her help to complete a task

To “fill in the beaks” is , well, TO FILL IN THE BEAKS !
I be blastin that ass like a beak
Make ya poach squeak

Help me clap them cheeks
So I can fill in the beaks

Guy 1: man I gotta finish that philosophy exam, I better fill in the beaks

*calls a chicken over the phone*

“If you are to pass that test you best fill in the beaks”

Without the beak one cannot fill in the beaks
by Gibbygeo February 11, 2022
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A chicken, typically known as “botched” or just “beak” daughter of the old J.

Poshy often recognizes her name of james beak
James beak is a farm animal and daughter to the forbidden one, careful if you attempt to get close to beak as the forbidden one is always watching AND listening

junior often finds himself quoting songs with james beak as the subject of them
by Tabitharabbit004 January 14, 2022
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