When you are puking...Puke comes out your nose...Food Particles get lodged in your nasal cavity. These chunks of food mixed with snot are "Barf Boogers"
Man I got so drunk last night, puked so hard that it was coming out my nose. I was constantly blowing my nose to get out the last of the "barf boogers".
by Lucious Von Danger Satan July 26, 2012
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When you are knitting or crocheting (or any other yarn related art) and the yarn you are using becomes a tangled mess that must be untangled to continue on with your project.
I would have had this sweater finished, but I kept having to untangle yarn barf which took up alot of time.
by Bunches McGuinty January 18, 2018
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When one opens their mouth and barfs on another person their emotions and soul garbage. This can be done in person and often on social media.
I wish my friend would stop soul barfing on facebook.
by Get your mirror out November 13, 2018
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The act of vomiting while defacating.
Who the hell shit barfed in my bathroom!?
by Charles Browndick May 29, 2012
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a word used to describe something so heinous that it makes you barf on a metaphysical level.
Sanjaya's new single made my soul barf a little bit.
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(v) : When you blurt something out that is so foul you can almost see the words coming out of your mouth and you try hold it in with your hands. This usually pertains to saying something that is heinously awkward or upsetting to those around you.
Cindy interrupted dinner last night to point out that Paul had a tiny penis, her word barf ruined the night for everyone.
by GothLauren January 4, 2011
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