He was a teenage music artist and singer on YouTube, active from 2012 to 2014. He became infamous, not only for his horrible singing voice, made worse by distorted auto-tune, but most notably for including tasteless, homoerotic sexual content in all of his music videos, all of which featured him doing disgusting things, such as ejaculating semen on objects (including a Justin Bieber album), licking objects, dancing provocatively in his underwear, just to name a few examples. The lyrics in all of his songs were almost always about him wanting to get intimate and do sexual things with other men he had a crush on, including Santa Claus, his nameless school teacher, God and Jesus (yes, you heard that correctly). After disappearing from the internet in 2014, he has since made it his mission to erase any and all mention of him from the internet. Nearly all of his songs and music videos are now lost, as a result of Ryan himself filing copyright claims against anyone who dares re-upload his music videos and only 5 of them (one of them being audio-only) are still available for people to see, as of today.
Additionally, the upper half of Ryan Bane's face was always covered up in all of his videos, in order to remain anonymous. Because of this, it is also believed that his name "Ryan Bane" was just an alias to protect his identity.
by Janson Jones April 6, 2023
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In some cultures it is believed that bane kamata comes after people who do not pay their debt on time, so the bane kamata would come and take their soul. The mythos originate in Balkan region of Europe. It is similar to baba yaga, but bane kamata is used to scare grown man who have big dept they cannot repay. Bane kamata is often described as a white male wearing all black and a silver chain that he uses to strangle his victims.
Man 1: " Victor is in a lot of dept, i just hope bane kamata doesn't cone for him."
Man 2: " God I hope not."
by joverumun September 11, 2022
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V. The act of placing one's face in a woman's breasts and attempting to speak. The result is a sound and speech pattern similar to Bane from The Dark Knight Rises.
Logan: "Hey Johan, I "Bane-d" a girl last night. I was at second base, tequila drunk buried my face in her chest and muffled "I am Gotham's Reck-on-Ing"
Johan: I have no words.
Pete: You should add "Bane-Ing " on Urban Dictionary
by CapN'Murrica November 27, 2014
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'gay bane': A derogatory term invented by Ritchie to augment the argument of accusing someone of being 'gay' because they upset him.
"Dave ur such a gay bane."
by djg2006 September 25, 2006
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A great rock band there hit song was on a show called scrubs "Im no superman"
Me:I love Lazlo bane
Some idiot:Who? you're such a whitey
Me:I am african american obviously and I like there music
by Queen jasmine December 12, 2007
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"The others in the group drank alcohol, but I indulged in Nixon's Bane."
by !ARCHIVIST! May 2, 2017
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Hangs around the GameFAQs GTA San Andreas: Social Board.
Is quite strange and narcissistic, sometimes posts random messages that make no sense.
He is one of the regs though and enjoys fapping.
Bane is the best mass-debater!
by techno98 April 9, 2005
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