A term used for accounts that only use the feature section on Ifunny, users who get called this usually get way too mad, acting as if you just called them a racial slur.
"Feature Creatures really like repeating the same jokes over and over."
by Hymen Buster IV October 26, 2020
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God, these people are vile creatures.
These vile creatures are plaguing my lawn.
by LondonEnglishSchool March 26, 2021
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A 600 pound whale of a person fused to a small scooter that goes regularly for food at the Mcdonald's. A shotgun blast to the face fixes these things.
I nearly got run over by one of those Walmart Creatures, Alex. Dammit.
by The Jigga man September 20, 2004
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an insult against a person who thinks they're funny
James is a strange creature
by January 7, 2023
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A common spoonerism of Feature Creep made popular by internet forums.

Phenomenon whereby a software package gains many more features than originally intended.

Generally the product of optimistic programmers or overambitious managers, feature creep is generally considered a bad thing. Feature creep makes a program that would have done one thing well into a program that does ten things, all poorly. Microsoft Outlook suffers badly from feature creep.
John: Have you heard? Halo 57 is going to have over a hundred playable races!

Thomas: That game is gonna be such a creature feep.
by Skaevola May 10, 2011
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Slang for the state that a human being will be reduced to after a mototcycle accident and/or diving into a pool that's been drained the previous day. Must include the loss of all of ones teeth and a large proportion of skin.

Coined by the late-great Hunter Stockton Thompson.
I was hunched over the tank like a person diving into a pool that got emptied yesterday. Whacko! Bashed on the concrete bottom, flesh ripped off, a Sausage Creature with no teeth, fucked-up for the rest of its life.

I landed hard on the edge of the road and lost my grip for a moment as the Ducati began fishtailing crazily into oncoming traffic. For two or three seconds I came face to face with the Sausage Creature....
by Jordan22 June 2, 2006
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