Jamal: Marquis think you can't rhyme
Tyrese: He aint nobody
by Pizzlej March 28, 2019
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a current cardinal rule of dating. you do not treat a love interest like a significant other unless they are in fact your significant other. this keeps an individual from being emotionally invested and potentially getting hurt by someone they never actually dated.
i thought about calling him to hear about his day but you know, simpin aint pimpin
by spicybanana69 June 18, 2021
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A nigga aint shit , they will talk to everybody or fuck everybody & their mother & never catch feelings but will leave you crying
Why do you always say niggas aint shit kyla?
Because he broke my heart & talked to my friend
by Bigbootykayyyy October 3, 2018
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you just trashy,ain't nothing but a bum,creep,loser,coward,waste,etc
or someone who can't do nothin,but eating,playing and sleeping
A:godamn it,you always mess everything up
B:sorry man,but i aint mean to....
A:shut the fuck up,don't explain,you aint shit!
by Emagician August 3, 2005
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Originally a Dr. Dre song, but has since evolved into a generic saying used to blow off a shitty situation involoving a female. The song has since been remade by Ben Folds.
Guy: Dude, I broke up with Anna last night.

Friends: Screw her dude, bitches aint shit, lets get wasted.
by peaceoutmaw December 9, 2006
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A term used when something either goes wrong or something is about to go wrong
You check your bank account and find you have not been paid.

You reply to yourself " Dude, this aint cool "
by Max "Chewie" Williams November 5, 2007
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