What you say about someone you haven't noticed is hot before.
*See's someone who is usually average but is looking hot today*
Me: "Damn! They're lowkey slapping!"
by iamlowkeyslapping May 5, 2018
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when a girl got a big butt, and hides it.
Dude 1: Yo did you see Emily?

Dude 2: Yeahh
Dude 1: I saw her at the volleyball game in spandex, she got a big booty.
Dude 2: Yeah man but she always hiding it.
Dude 1: She got that lowkey booty.
by Something2003 July 18, 2017
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What Mormons use to post their bad pictures, as they do not want their families or church members to see how they actually live.
"Did you see what collin posted on his lowkey account?"
"No, what was it?"
"He was hecka vaping an e cig!"
by Zero dollars boi April 3, 2017
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Used to describe a person who doesn't seem to be capable of being romantic on the outside but actually is. Hence the name, lowkey romantic
(Insert name) is so lowkey romantic, I never knew (insert gender pronoun) was capable of being romantic
by DeadBread September 23, 2017
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when you don't want people to know, nothing serious.
let's have a lowkey relantionship 😘
by whyhim January 3, 2017
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When something is lowkey, but at the same time is rather highkey
I Lowkey McHighkey want to go to the McDonald's for lunch.
by fordsmoneybags6 November 23, 2016
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