It's when someone whose intention is to wish on 11:11 accidentally wishes too early or too late. Is usually accompanied by harsh consequences, such as having wishes denied. Similar to an epic fail.
Person 1: "I just made a wish, I hope it comes true!"
Person 2: "Dude, it's 11:09. That's a false 11:11."
Person 1: "What the fuck does that mean?"
Person 2: "It means that your wish ain't coming true. So in your case, sorry, but you still have syphilis."
Person 1: "Stop reading my diary."
by Genericist July 20, 2009
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How can you move on so easily from someone you once called your home?
by 051818>0702 January 25, 2022
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To make a wish when the clock says 11:11
Last night I 11:11'd that I would be able to go see my boyfriend at Christmas
by squeakums August 31, 2008
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If you are 11 right now then you are the nicest person in the whole world
because you're 11 right now
by Vesnipesni October 15, 2020
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When your Instagram and snapchat stories are filled with lonely ass people pretending they’re loving or crushing someone.
11:11 they know themselves ❣
by CoolBoi76 December 22, 2018
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A time where people spam their Snapchat story. Usually with a black screen save for the time (11:11) though most people miss this time by a few minutes and instead either set their phones time back, or just write over it.
11:11 HIM
by Yeet McSkeeters January 8, 2018
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When one person fell in love with another, it was iffy in the beginning but overall these two people will be together for ever
3-11-11 A short girl meets a tall guy and they fall in love (+-)
by Anyomynous123321 July 22, 2011
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