if you eat shrimp noodles you 100% of the time have a shrimp dick
Girl: You eat shrimp noodles?

Boy: Yes? Why?

Girl: LMAOOOO HAHAHAHA YOU HAVE A SHRIMP DICK!!! Shrimp noodles=Shrimp dick
by YourLocalDoorKnobber69 August 13, 2022
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When you eat so much shrimp, your eyes turn pink.
"Why isn't Will at work?" "He called out with The Shrimp Eye . You know, from that all you can eat shrimp buffet at Jake's? His eyes look like a flamingo's ass."
by FriskyWhiskey May 29, 2018
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The sexual act of sliding ones penis between another persons toes-each stroke between a different pair of toes
He did some quick shrimpin’ to lube her toes up for a thorough shrimp kabobing between her toes.
by Big Shrimpin’ August 16, 2019
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when someone has the lingering smell and taste of shrimps on their lips
“I was gonna kiss Vianna but she’s got shrimp lips
by ratchetrach6969 May 19, 2022
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wow you have a shrimp dick it's like 7 inches
by percaholiv August 18, 2023
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Shrimp Eye

The line of string that comes out of your eye. Especially when wearing makeup.

It looks like shrimp intestine when you clean it you find a string.

i know it isn't perverted like most things on here.
Oh, girl you have Shrimp Eye going on! You need a tissue for that?
by QueenieD March 18, 2013
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When your posture is so fucking bad you more closely resemble a shrimp with scoliosis than a human being (removes several inches off height)
Divi: That crippling artist’s back is so bent over!
Angi: They must have scoliotic shrimp syndrome!
by live laugh yarn December 28, 2022
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