When you have the need to take a shit get into a handstand position and let it RIPPPP. Just like Beyblades spin around while you release your waste.
Yo, I've been doing the handstand spinning diarrhea and it's the best b work out bro. 10/10 recommend!!!
by ThickburritoaAss April 20, 2020
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When you grip the very base of your scrotum and then proceed to twist it up like you’re closing a bread bag.
Man A: Hey bro, what’s wrong?

Man B: I was spinning orb last night and my balls never twisted back. Oh well, guess i’ll just die!!!
by andrewhhh August 26, 2022
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Rotating 360 degrees while fucking a girl up the ass. Bonus points for not using one’s hands while completing the maneuver.
Shawn said, “Dude, I was totally spin classing my gf last night - totally shredded her taint, but it was worth it!!”
by PubesP December 9, 2019
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To have broken or to have abused an electronic device.
Woah. he just spin-dash'd that calculator like it was nothing!
by Mino Zapticuno October 2, 2011
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going on a quick little bike ride with your pals for fun
hey man, fancy a cheeky spin?
hell yeah man, lemme grab my cap!
by MrBigSwag October 18, 2023
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When someone makes arrangements and they don't go through
why are you spinning me for six days?
by john caliber August 2, 2022
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intransitive verb

To revolve rapidly from the hands of an Adam.

To feel as if in a whirl by an Adam.

To have been moved swiftly especially on or as if on wheels or in a vehicle by an Adam.

The act of spinning or twirling something by an Adam.
"I put so much Adam-spin on that ball. He's never seen anything like it!"
"Wow! I bet he's never seen spin like my Adam-spin."
by Keelspin October 6, 2020
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