(n.)That friend that you really just want to tell “It’s over man, move on,” but you find that it is much more fun to mess with him in close to every way possible.
I got my sick fool of a brother to take me to the movies because the girl he’s drooling over works there.
by thisisformyproject November 30, 2009
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Sexy Fool is the husband of Robin's Left Nut he is his most trusted friend and soulmate, Sexy fool otherwise known as Bakuhoe is someone you can trust, but if you get him mad you can expect Robin his husband to be waiting for you.
Hey look it's Sexy Fool I wish I was in his position.
Hey watch out you don't wanna make Sexy Fool mad he might call his Husband after you
by Robin's Left Nut May 21, 2021
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This quote is similar to Ludacris' song "Act a fool", from 2Fast2Furious, which means "acting like a fool, in a desperate way" aka "last resort, trump card". However, this one means "act like a fool, while you're smarter than everyone else". Or in other words, "Trolling 101". It may be similar in some situations.... =)

"Act the fool" also means, in some countries, "fazer-se de parvo".
Crowd: "haha, that guy is such a tool! Let's make fun of him!!"
Guy 1: (thinking w/ a grin) "hehe.... they think I'm a fool. I'll show them!"
Guy 2: "Yeah man.... Act the fool..." (thumbs up)
by PTwriter September 29, 2017
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A strategy in chess where the king is used to take most pieces and escort pawns to the opposing side
Here we see John seemingly playing the Foole's Gambit. thats a dangerous move but it may just pay off
by Foole arcanum April 28, 2022
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a strategy in chess where you mostly use the king to invade the opposing side and take pieces
my god why would you go for the Foole's gambit?
by Foole arcanum April 28, 2022
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Charlie: "I like you"

Vanessa: "I dont like you sorry.."

Charlie" I was just playing! Its October Fools day"
by wnxndh October 12, 2021
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