Phrase- When a hard weekend or 3 day weekend of various hard drugs like ecstasy or meth has the afterglow wear off and you're left with a weird panicky sober low feeling.

One may act weird or just want to isolate themselves. It is usually the beginning of introspection from the weekend's activities. Ordinary things may seem slightly different.

Origin: unknown. Popular with 90s and 00 college age kids.
I have the Tuesday weirds from rolling and doing Xanax all weekend. I gotta find a way to leave work, before I freak out.
by Synaptic Plasticity August 21, 2018
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A flex which is not awkward like a normal weird flex, but is weird in it's contents while nonetheless impressive.
"I won a game of chess on my phone while using it as a bat to play table tennis (real story) ."
"That's a real weird flex
by Soosmon July 1, 2023
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a girl who has trust issues because boy's use her all the time, she has commitment issues and will never actually believes people
Person 1: i'm talking to nelli weird
Person 2: she's a crazy person tho
by nelli weird January 15, 2020
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A weird Ari is a strange human being who thinks he is a donkey. He is extremely insane and likes doing jumping jacks.
Jeez, that dude over there is a real Weird Ari”
by Odd Al March 25, 2022
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1 am

That time of the night when all the freaks come out
Wanna go to cook out?”

Fuck no, it’s weird hour”
by UwUowoUwU July 2, 2023
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When a boy call your funny weird then stops talking to you :/
by Carley22 February 16, 2020
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