A type of an attack that gives the opponent 4 lines of garbage, the same as a quad but -2 blocks
a t-spin double plus a quad combo is deadly to low ranked players
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go for us
“ you and your friend should spin on us “
by pinkpussyboss March 20, 2023
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Aussie - usually when you use your $85 jumbuck rotisserie bbq to cook some amazing meats
Just stuck a lamb leg on the $85’r and now sinking some XXXX. Meat Spinning at its finest
Spin on Cunts
by LiabilityAUS May 1, 2021
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A large lazy susan table with sturdy ball bearing support and a hole in the middle to facilitate penetrating a vagina and rotating it continuously around your cock.
You can see a spin table if you search on sex spin table on Google.
by redains December 29, 2016
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(Technical) To "spin up" something is to instantiate it, usually referring to code processes or servers or websites; to deploy.
Network admin: Lemme spin up a new edge server real quick.
by Kalarus October 22, 2022
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