The philosophy of junior grimes mentality and behavior. Rejecting social norms and embracing your inner darkness and disregarding the rules and enjoying your youth. Junior says this in the bibble as he is the sinful son; the son of the darkness.

Juniorism is taught in very few schools these days but if you look in the right place you may study it.

Traits and characteristics tied to junior grimes (Logan) aka “J grimes” or junior the egomaniac

There’s more meanings to Juniorism so go pick up a book and read up on it , ya lazy bum!
Juniorism is religion for those who despise religion and the deluded people who fall victim to lies.

Juniorism makes Scientology look like fanfiction, since it is anyway lmao


“One must study Juniorism to truly understand the secrets of the earth and origins of life and the mind. “ -somebody important


Junior: hey you! Study up on Juniorism!

world leaders: yes sir, we’re sorry , of course! Right away master!

Junior: >:)
by Pseudonvm July 25, 2021
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when you're in love with every junior in your school and wanna fuck all of them at once
omg have you seen that junior, i have junioritis.
by yoloamericans January 24, 2019
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When you are finally maturing into an adult junior year of highschool and you decide to do your own work without cheating.
Do you want me to send you the homework?
No I'm gonna do it myself
I got junioritis
by DillBobsKnob October 9, 2019
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During the Junior year of highschool students begin to lose relationships/friendships for no apparent reason. There is no real cure for this, all you can do is hold back the tears and watch YouTube.
The junior saw that his girlfriend and best friend hooked up and described it as junioritis.
by Cooltiger0 November 10, 2017
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fjhs, is a school for 7th and 8th grade kids, it is full of drama,fights,and hot boys...grayson...lmao. fjhs is also a really good school that typically doesnt put up w/ bullying up but my time there they did bc they have favorites and are shitty
the school franklinton junior high school is a weird school
by tintinnnn February 2, 2022
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