babes on trend are two super stylish awesome girls who share fun fashion ideas. they take lots of pictures because they are super cool influencers. they take 100's of pictures and videos but can only pick one a day. One babe usually does the editing. one babe will get upset with the other if they are slacking. babes who stay on trend keep up to date daily with their obligations otherwise they will be unable to stay on trend. A babe on trend works super hard day and night and spends their whole days looking at pictures and taking photos. babes on trend can get sad if they take too many photos.
babes on trend are babes on trend
by mamababeontrend November 23, 2021
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A hot, good-looking girl, woman or babe. Or used as an action by a hot female as in "Babe-u-lour action". Can be plural as in a group of hot girls, "Babe-u-lours"
"Wow, what a Babe-u-lour". Or, "Wow, Babe-u-lour action!"
"Man, it was Babe-u-lour action-jackson at that party!" Or, "Wow, you should have seen all of the Babe-u-lours that were there!"

booty girl woman hot woman Skipperjack Sheila
babe skank girlfriend
by Poonie Pie October 14, 2011
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Babe brigade are a group of hot girls that are always down for a party. The girls want to be them and the boys want to be with them.
«Wow! Did you see that Babe Brigade
«I was out with a babe brigade yesterday. I had the best time!»
by Hey63279 May 19, 2023
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Vibing with the babes. An extremely hot group of feminine people who are syncing the shit out of each other. ❤️
Omg do you see those girls so compatible in hotness and realness?

Oh yes I do! They are totally babing! 😍
by Amygdalaelama March 2, 2022
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