A Pastry Case is someone of complete incompetence, absolute brainlessness and usually a bad haircut.
Ellis fell out of a trolley on to a sea of purple hamsters fighting each other with olive tree branches!! What a complete Pastry Case!!
by UrbWizard November 20, 2019
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1. One who acts on taking advantage of others in sexual misconduct, harrasment or assualt either at work or in social environments either while wasted or high.

2. A sexual display or act that should have gone incognito, but rather the opposite
1. Wow Bill is pretty faded, looks like he's got a case of the mannys again. We better take him home
2. Damn it Bills got the mannys again, his wife is going to kill him.
by Bill4U March 4, 2021
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When you eat so much food that you take more than one dumps after the meal.
I ate a grande meal last night and had a bad case of doodies. I am going to be late for work today becuase I have a bad case of the doodies.
by Franklin Deleanor Rogusvelt February 6, 2010
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(n) An ootheca. A long term accumulation of cockroach egg sacks fecal mater and otherwise long dead roach body parts. Often found in dark hard-to-reach places especially in kitchens as in under the refrigerator or around cheap Chinese-made electronic items such as clocks.
There were quite a bit of roach casings from that last tenant we just evicted.
by thaibu April 23, 2010
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Literal translation of Russian term "такие дела", which means "so it goes". Was recorded firstly and became popular on Krautchan /int imageboard, the place where Polandball appeared
My gf has dropped me and my heart is broke. Such cases.
by Bernd__ August 17, 2018
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When your flatmate breaks in to everyone's room to leave shits in mysterious places, you then respond by taking a shitty pillow case and beating them with it. Thus a shitty pillow case
Had a right shitty pillow case roommate moment last night.
by Dick sleve October 8, 2018
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That thing that goes on your dick to prevent STDs or worse, child support payments.
You did remember a meat casingwhen you porked that girl right?
by SummerDawn232 June 25, 2016
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