People who use Discord entirely too much. Will go out of their way to purchase 10 years of nitro, obtain every single badge, and join every degen server ("furries", "femboys", emotes, etc.) just for social approval, and because they LITERALLY can't stand out any other way. These types of people are usually insufferable, avoidant, and addicted to pornography. Most likely a teenager, or a 27 year old neck-beard that hasn't managed to solve anything detrimental to themselves in life yet. Is also PROBABLYY 4th Wave Feminist. (Is male and actively participates in activities that degrade women, most likely secretly.)

Also probably barely showers, always somehow listening to Spotify, probably plays ROBLOX, has Moderator in multiple servers or is a "top member", attending every con / convention under the sun, ranting in their status, etc.
Wow, Marcuise makes Discord & Reddit his ENTIRE life! He actually spent $300 of his college fund on Reddit Premium and Profile decorations.. I think maybe you should avoid that guy. He's a Discord Dork and loves to participate in any socially destructive hivemind that he can.. Yikes..!
by jm.wav June 15, 2024
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the feeling you get when you catch yourself doing something dorky.
I got the dork tingles today at the sales meeting when we had to sing "happy birthday" to our co-worker.
by pennbitch75 July 16, 2021
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:sees hipsters being pretentious all super original and fresh: State - fukkin' retro-dorks.
by PhattiG September 23, 2015
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Stephen Parker (Stevop) is our Dork Lord, He is the Lord of all Dorkyness and has Dorked the Most Dork there is to Dork. Making him Dork Lord.
"Wow she is almost like the Dork Lord"
by EmuumE August 17, 2017
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To be excited nearly to the point of sexual release over something dorky, geekish, or nerdy.
"Oh man, I went into Best Buy and found the complete series of Firefly on Blu-ray! I almost dorked in my pants right there."

"Did you go to the midnight opening at Gamestop for Black Ops?
Hell yeah! I thought I was gonna dork in my pants waiting on line!"
by Greythame985 March 23, 2011
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