A girl who is below a 5/10. Definition of a grenade you have to hop for all the homies to score. Pond scum, gremlin-esque.
Blake: "Yo tocci's girl Amanda is a total Sub-Cinco broski"
Matt: "Didn't you get raped by an obese whale on July 4th?"
by Blakester04 March 16, 2021
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When an incredibly insecure Haagster claims to be the DOM after the one true DOM, Liam (the hotdog stand), instructs the Haagster to believe he himself as a DOM, obeying the Liam Dom’s instruction, therefore the Haagster becomes the Tony 2-5 SUB.
Liam (The Hotdog Stand): Haagster, I want you to believe that you are a DOM!

Haagster (The SUB): I’m the DOM! I was born in the DOMinican republic and I own a DOMinos!

Liam (The Hotdog Stand): That’s a good Tony 2-5 Sub.
by I’m A Hotdog Stand November 4, 2022
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When somebody tries to hurt your feelings w.o saying it to you.
"MAN" A was caught subbing MAN B instead of telling him directly.
by IG @solteo47 September 4, 2021
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a sub world in RAIN WORLD were its COMPLEATLY barren of life (except SHOCK jelly fish (idk what they are), neon flies, and LOOKS TO MOON.) there really Isn't much to do here besides looking for those collectable plants and visiting looks to moon
by someone else thats not u March 8, 2021
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When someone posts something or makes a comment that is a "sub" and the person they sub, sub them back.
Did you see that sub on Facebook? That was almost as shady as the double sub in return!
by Chiquita_Bon1ta September 26, 2017
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A submissive man (usually)

With a large penis
Y- “you know they don’t call me a Foot long sub for nothing”

(Person your taking to)- “dude wtf
by The mother fucker!?!? June 17, 2023
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When three or more men line up on a couch and jerk each other off my moving the next man’s arm. A horizontal double Dutch rudder.
It wasn’t gay that we all jerked off on the couch, we never touched each other’s dicks it was a classic confederate sub.
by Southern Boy 56 August 11, 2022
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