A person who dresses in the "scene style" category usually wears:

- Skinny Jeans
- Vans
- Converse (Low or High Top)
- Brightly Colored Shirts in Prints such as Zebra, Cheetah, or other Animal Prints
- Lots of thick liquid eyeliner, usually in the cat eye style
- Sometimes wear ballerina skirts over their jeans
- Some model
- Most wear layered clothes
- Some wear Hollister clothing
- Many wear big, bright sweatshirts
- Wear Ray Ban Sunlasses or Urban Outfitters sunglasses
- Most have extensions in their hair
- Some wear white belts
- Many wear small clips you can buy at Claire's in the little girl section
- Usually like band such as "The Devil Wears Prada" or "Alice in Videoland"
- Dye their hair a lot
- Most have a lip piercing or snake bites and gauges
- Multicolored hair with many layers that is teased in the back
- Wear Shirts with Transformers, Food, or something in that category
- Bone Straight hair
SceneGirl: Hey gorgeous, let's go to the mall later.
SceneBoy: Okay, I have to finish my hair first.
SceneGirl: Fosho. I need to work on my scene style. Since I have a on of moneywe should go spend some of it.
SceneBoy: kbi
SceneGirl: kk peace
by Taylor[CCE] July 11, 2008
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Not my lifestyle. Typically used to deny interest in a place or thing.
Mark: "Lets go to the pub"
James: "not my scene"
by ARZon March 17, 2017
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(n). another term for coon tails.
used because coon tails are generally only sported by kids in the scene culture.
scene girl: look i put a coon tails in my extensions!
boy: haha, you mean your scene tails?
scene girl: shut up! i'm not scene.
boy: ya rite.
by Chelsea Challenge April 4, 2009
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Usually, a scene girl will have brightly colored hair, such as pink, purple, white, yellow, green,orange. But also blonde or brown, with streaks of color in it. Scene girl have 3 main styles. Vintage/60's, Raver, or the basic. Vintage: Flares, old band tee's, big fake/real glasses, bandanna's, belly shirts, high waisted pants. Raver: TuTu's, Colored petticoats, neon heels, HUGE hair, bikini top, lots of bows, bright make-up, cute anime back-pack. The Basic: Skinny's, Band tee's, Cartoon tee's, converse, vans, toms, chucks, Bright Make-up,Teased hair,lots of kandi(huge beaded bracelets) Rubber Bracelets.
See Google Images For Pictures Of Scene Girls.
by MrsNiallHoran91393 September 26, 2012
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Kids who have conformed to non-conformity. They claim to be anti-conformist and anti-mainstream, however this style is slowly BECOMING mainstream as more and more kids conform to it. The style derives from emo, and may even be mistaken as such. The bands that once had been really obscure and previously unheard of are now popular names. An overwhelming number of kids are conforming to this because it is the 'in' thing, and as such it is losing its very identity as anti-conformity.
Emo kid: I'm anti-conformist, no one understands me

Group of scene kids: lets all be anti-conformist too!
by BLKLJSF March 11, 2007
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Names that can sound childish, but effective in teh myspace and scene world to make you sound more standout-ish or original. Usually must be two or more words long and start with the same first letter of your first name. If the word has the same sound as the first letter of your naem, you may change the word to that letter.
A random word starting with a different letter can also be added to make your name sound cute or interesting.
Charlie Scene
Scotty Vanity
Rusko Star
Jeffree Star
Koti Rose
Those are all acceptable Scene Names
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an elaborate system for calculating popularity commonly joked about among scenesters and scenester wannabes. everybody know what they are but no one will actually admit they exist.

for example, these things give you scene points:
-straight edge
-black hair over face
-collecting vinyl
-having obscure band merch
-wearing tight pants
-being friends with bands, promoters, etc.

these things make you lose scene points:
-wearing volcom, zero, hurley, etc.
-liking good charlotte
-asking for an autograph
-driving (scene kids walk/take the bus)
-having anything to do with rap
-getting a tan
Aw fuck! I can't make it to the show tonight! There go my scene points.
by xbloodlossx June 18, 2004
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