To create a masterpiece in the lavatory in the style of Jackson Pollock by using what would be an otherwise watery, splattery deficate and repurpose it as art.
Man 1: Whoa Nelly! Do not go in there. Some dude JP’d the shitter.

Man 2: JP’d the shitter?? I don’t get it.

Man 1: My dude, you need to broaden your cultural exposure.

Paul Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was widely noticed for his technique of pouring or splashing liquid household paint onto a horizontal surface, enabling him to view and paint his canvases from all angles. Therefore when you JP the shitter, you pay homage to the man responsible for such modern masterpieces as Autumn Rhythm, Convergence and Number 1.

Man 2: As opposed to Number 2. My dude, I apologize for my ignorance. I had no idea that shit could be art.

(Both laugh and say in unison): “Literally and Figuratively!”
by Dickshunharry December 22, 2020
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when your brain shits definitions so fucking hard it's insane
I am an example of a Definition shitter
by raybeez March 14, 2022
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1: Someone with uncontrollable liquid bowel movements.

2: Someone who runs their mouth without thinking.
The appendix is right before the shitter shooter.

No one wants to hear what you have to say out your shitter shooter.
by Henderson020322 August 27, 2023
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When leaving a single serving bathroom after dropping a shitbomb one obviously looks to avoid any immediate human interaction in order to avoid defecation guilt for desecrating the toilet area with stank nastiness. However, the instance in which one makes eye contact with the poop desecrator his/her face is flush with shit guilt, hence giving up the shitter stare...
I was waiting for the bathroom and this big fat nasty dude bolted out and totally gave me the shitter stare. I knew right away that the toilet had been shitbombed, BOOM nasty stank in my face, sofa king disgusting.
by duitbrains February 18, 2014
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Old person, a geezer. A Geriatric who no longer can control their bowels
Sorry I took so long, The line up at the bank was full of Pant-Shitters taking their sweet time.
by Nolspe November 7, 2022
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Someone who shits on other peoples balls
"Oh stop shitting on my balls!"
"you didn't just shit on my balls did you.." "yeah, i did"
"mate your an actual ball shitter"
by Spunky_SpiderZ October 14, 2023
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Person who eats at a gourmet restaurant, dislikes the food, and clogs the toilet before leaving in disgust
I just saw a gourmet shitter in the bathroom. The toilets are now closed!
by simonthepieman2kni February 28, 2011
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