The art of being able to creatively dodge people hitting on you by saying something inadvertently insulting, charming, funny, or by ignoring a person's comment completely and continuing on in one's conversation both by adding uncomfortable circumstance and awkward response to any situation. To turn down a person by using the same low key style innuendo that was used to hit on someone. Rude and funny response to someone hitting on you as if to shoot them down but also completely brush off their attempts as if it didn't even occur. To creatively and inadvertently destroy someone's hope of being with you by nonchalantly ripping their soul out and continuing convo like nothing ever was said.
Luna was the fielding champion of 2017 everytime Jerry would hit on her, he responses were as good as kicking him in his balls and continuing on with the conversation leaving him confused, insulted but also strangely baffled at how he couldn't take offense to what she was saying or treat her wrong.

Ex 2. Hahaha she just fielded that nigguh
by Das Lunatik August 24, 2022
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Oral sex being performed on a woman who is oblivious to the existence of razors and personal hygiene
She’s pretty good in bed, but she prefers someone who knows how to field crunch
by GianniGod October 6, 2020
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Banging a hot researcher chick in her field of research, ideally redwoods
Christina and I went out to Armstrong Woods and did some field research
by BackwardsW May 20, 2022
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-Someone who shows up on a fire scene without gear
-The officer who falls out of the back of a pickup truck on scene
"I pulled a Marques Fields and had to try to out out a fire with a water hose and flip flops."
"My new boss is a total Marques Fields. We'll be working him before too long."
by Marques’s Daddy August 28, 2021
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Cumming in someone's hair. Can be done in many places including top of head, chest, leg, and anywhere there is hair.

Person A: Dude, last night Lisandra let me Salt her fields
Person B: No way! Salting the Fields is the best!
by Doickls January 28, 2017
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