The act of eating a peppermint to trigger a conditioned mental response.

If done properly, "minting up" can help to:

- Self-motivate
- Channel a calming inner confidence
- Facilitate self-awareness
- Overcome any obstacle or challenge.

No specific type of peppermint is required, just make sure to stay consistent on brand/flavor.

Let the minty freshness take you away to that special place in your mind of absolute clarity.
Jimmy: I don't think I can lead that pitch; it looks too intimidating.

Johnny: Mint up Jimmy

Jimmy: eats a mint, takes a deep breath Okay, I got it. I'm ready- Thanks Johnny.
by jimmysjohnny March 27, 2023
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Always pronounced with a sarcastic tone simply means that your life, in whole, through and through, sucks and is meaningless, determined by those you know and love around you. Usually said to make you aware that banging out that whore last night without a condom just confirmed you to be a loser.
"I can't beleive you banged out that whore! Mint Life"
"Mint Life Dude"
by FancyHancy February 8, 2008
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A little working class city right outside of Charlotte. It is currently experiencing a lot of growth.
Mint Hill sounds like a cool place to live.
by Death Menace April 12, 2023
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The flying mint cat of randomness is a ancient cat that will grant you one wish and you can teleport to one show or anime
"Have you heard about the Flying Mint Cat of Randomness I heard it lives in you closet"~random person
by Firewolf 360 December 16, 2015
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A plant that some one could use for the name of weed that He or She is growing to avoid getting chewed out by an angry parent.
Worried Mother: Seth what are you growing in that bag?
Seth: It's a Mint Plant
Worried Mother: O.K. i love you honey make good decisions
by Feedyamutha November 30, 2008
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