An bad or stupid idea that makes sense.
Person 1: “Let’s get close to the lit dynamite to put water on it so it doesn’t explode us!”
Person 2: “That’s logical stupidity.”
by Thunder_Rose August 2, 2023
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The belief commonly held by all men that while most urinals have dividers that provide privacy, it is more polite to select a urinal at least one away from another person. The farther away your urinal is from the nearest occupied one, the better. This belief can also apply to stalls, and therefore women as well, although not as commonly as with men.
"I went into the bathroom and there was another guy in there using the urinals, so I took the one farthest away from him. Just following good urinal logic"
by Animal Damage October 1, 2013
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When upper managements logic is completely illogical.
Bro, that TE logic has me so confused, do they actually know what goes on here?
by DasTEMan October 23, 2022
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it means the boundaries and morals of oneself should be set and not crossed; respected.
B: So what happened to that person you were talking to? I thought you liked them?
A: If logic speaks, they shouldn’t be bothering me anymore. I liked them too but they didn’t respect me or make anything makes sense for me.
by Mrs Mrs Mrs December 1, 2022
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when you make a decision with good judgement
I made a logic decision
by rey29 November 13, 2017
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Logic is a being that critiques life at the finest, despite how smart or stupid their IQ is.
My name is Logic because I am logic, and you are a Americuckaloid
by Michael Chricton March 4, 2019
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Logic, that is, rationality, is the sequential unfolding of Reality, resulting from the tension between noumenal Reality as it is in-itself and Appearance, finite Reality mediated by a Consciousness. This unfolding takes the form of a dialectical progression.

This Dialectic has three, distinct stages:

1. thesis ( the thesis is nothing else than the indeterminate, positive beginning of the dialectical process; the tension mentioned above results in a contradiction. The latter can only be overcome by transcending (opposing) the thesis. )
2. antithesis ( The antithesis is the positing of the sublation (determinate negation) of the thesis )
3. synthesis ( “divergent thinking”; here, the linear dialectical progression stops, and the contradiction which the thesis was in-itself becomes explicit. The thesis lets go of the contradictions in which it was caught up )

All Logical Patterns have their origin in this dialectical progression, and are either a Thesis, Antithesis or Synthesis.
The Logic-ality of Reality is the condition of the possibility of the existence of Patterns.
by endomorphosis January 10, 2021
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