A man with no cock except for the one in his mouth . A personality that even Jeffrey Dahmer would be ashamed of . his face looks like a rabbit ass cheeks . plus he's gay
by Modernwarfare 14 July 30, 2017
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This is an insult for a little and annoying person.
Primalrely used to refer to sertain people
Hello you little "Colin Gnom"
Tell this "Colin Gnom" to fuck of.
by Upsaya March 8, 2023
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Faggot that brags about his snap score and thinks he is cool because he hangs out with Colin Babcock. He loves 8th grade girls and he thinks he’s going to get laid whenever he hangs out with a girl. Has a stash of unopened condoms from all the times he hasn’t gotten laid
Hey look it’s that skinny freckled retard Colin morrison!
by CC guns💪🏻 October 2, 2019
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He is the most cutest guy ever. Tall but not freakishly tall. Amazing smile. His voice is perfect. He laughs all the time and it's so cute. Colin is a bit country. Colin Meyers is es muy perfecto
What! Is that Colin meyers??
Yes it is!
He's so perfect!!!!
by Random girlie from Pennsylvani December 1, 2020
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An absolute chad.
He's hilarious and a god FPS gamer you do not want to play against.

You have to hide your mom / sister & daughter whenever he is around as he is the best pussy magnet around.
Oh shit , it's Colin Chua. Better uninstall my game before I lose.
by scrubyyy November 22, 2021
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To intentionally slur or defame someone under the pretext of being a friend.

To shit-stir because you can.
Why is Fred so pissed off?
Oh, Sandra is Doing a "Colin" and telling him everyone hates his new haircut.
by The Master of Disaster! January 19, 2015
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