as in something is perfect. It was exactly what you needed.
That tea was just the badger.
by Ryan Winch 27 April 5, 2017
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When the whiskey hits you hard and you have to use popsicle sticks, and twist ties to keep erect.
Went out last night and Seth had use the bloody badger to hit up that 2..
by Great Gadberry June 2, 2018
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When you're masterbating and your ejaculation forms a perfect line over the base of your penis, giving it a mohawk.
Last night I was practicing honey badgering to impress my girlfriend, you know how she loves mohawks.
by JarJarSHARPEDO October 22, 2014
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The act of having someone sitting on your lap when you get a boner
Some guy fell on my lap at the bus stop and he was so "sitting on the badger
by itsBrennanXing July 26, 2016
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a name given for a well presented and much approved vagina
: was she fit?

:ooooh yeah, should of seen the glory badger on her
by glenng421 June 7, 2011
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Common ancestor to the 'mud pelican' and the 'swamp donkey'. these will normally be very brave in their natural habitat and can often make the first move. BE AWARE. masked under substantial layers of make up your beer goggles may kick in too soon and deceive you. be sure to get a friends advise before resuming further.
He-man.'dude, this chick wants to pull into me, but im too drunk to tell if she's hot.'

Skeletor. 'dude, you must be pissed, thats the ugliest gravel badger iv ever seen'

by phoenix steel March 10, 2008
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A nicer way of calling you a dirty bastard in Scotland. Can also be used as a friendly greeting.
How you doin', ya dirty badger!
by infamous budgerigar July 1, 2016
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