When someone writes something on Urban Dictionary that isn't really a definition, but just talks about the awesome-tastic-a-licious-ness of a term. Common for names.
Ben: "Hey, Jake. I keep looking for what this girl's name means on Urban Dictionary, but it only has stuff on how cool she is."
Jake: "That is some serious urban raving, dude."
by Ordelog June 20, 2011
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When a berk contributes a word to UD that is basically their name followed by a definition that says (for girls) ‘xxx is the kindest most beautiful girl in the world’ or (for boys) ‘xxx has an enormous penis.’ Invariably (and I mean invariably) the contributor has a really stupid name.
Boy 1: Did you see that definition on UD of the word Shylwagh?

Boy 2: Yeah, she must be the kindest most beautiful girl in the world.

Boy 1: No. She was just Urban Time Wasting. Probs the only people who think her kind and beautiful are her doting parents who have to say something to stop her spiralling into a vortex of suicidal despair given her repulsive mug and her horrible personality. And what a stupid name!

Girl 1: Did you see that definition on UD of the word Crendio?

Girl 2: Yeah. Apparently he has the biggest cock in the known universe.

Girl 1: No. He’s just Urban Time Wasting. As well as a stupid name I’ll bet he’s so fat he won’t have seen his genitalia since he was ten. So how would he have a clear idea of his cock size compared to other Urban Time Wasting wankers?
by Mphresources August 15, 2022
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An inbred weird lookin two plus two not knowin queer, weirdly associated with every race ever.
That urban cockroach doesn't know the first thing about a Chevy.
by GrittnSpit143 November 27, 2017
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Urban = city
Natti = elite
Urban Natti is a Fahsion line so to us it means to keep our city or any city we are supported in elite.
by Urban Natti Fashion November 19, 2013
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another term for a gangster, often used sarcastically as an insult to intelligence
Did you hear about the gang shooting? One guy bumped into the other by mistake and all hell broke loose.
Couple of urban scholars, aren't they?
by hatebigwords July 23, 2023
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Someone who spends their free time searching up dumb shit on Urban Dictionary. An example of an Urban Bitchionary, is you.
You're an Urban Bitchionary, why'd you search this up?
by RandomRubbishRick November 24, 2022
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