The cruel act that involves placing a small piece of fresh feces and placing in on the front tooth of a comrade.
Victim:"Dude this coffee tastes like s***"
Friend: "Oh man check yourself in the mirror, someone must have given you the Santa Barbara warm tooth"
by lawbyjake April 10, 2015
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When you buy a new couch for your living area and invite friends / family to sit and flatulate on it as a sign of initiation and good luck.
I just got a couch for my apartment, come over for a couch warming party !
by Dinuel October 1, 2023
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Cutting through a shop or building in general, to avoid the cold. Regardless of time effect!
Walking from Reading station, to the Oracle, guy says 'lets take a Warm-Cut'.

Cutting through shops/buildings even though its longer, as to avoid the cold.
by Fanny schmela February 3, 2012
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When the load of an elderly man is loosely squirted in your mouth. Bitter in taste and slightly stinging the tongue, much like a mouthful of piss warm Canadian beer.
Josh: " Dude..Harry just gave me a knarley warm Canadian behind the job shack. That raise better be worth it."

Codi: "Probably thinking about his aunt when he snapped his yogurt."
by MassiveDynamic December 2, 2016
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1.The nonexistent problem that is supposedly caused by human beings, where carbon dioxide is in the air due to the burning of fossil fuels that is very unlikely to happen. Scientists think that the earth will be uninhabitable by 2300 , which is very false . The earth heats slowly, assholes.

2. To rapidly morb.

3.A theory.
1.Rapid Global Warming is supposedly destroying our economy.

2.He has rapidly global warmed his own enemies by sucking the blood out of them.

3.The rapid global warming is just life.
by Broken knife June 14, 2022
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