Descriptive of a homosexual / gay man
He prefers his peas Minted
by Napoleon BonerPart February 4, 2023
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Someone who is always just tryna chill
I don’t wanna go to that party i’m just tryna chill”
Come on bro that’s a mint nigger move”
by mintnigger September 16, 2020
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The process of consuming a mint while deficating in a toilet. This is used to achieve a more refreshing poop.
Austin: I gotta shit.

Tommy: don't forget a mint.

Austin: oh marvelous idea! Poop and mints are so refreshing.
by Poop and mint bros May 10, 2016
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I'd like a shot at her frisbee mint
by creelhizewt August 29, 2010
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When you drop a mint in your partners asshole. Then proceed to dunk tongue into dat ass, Making sure to anchor before bottoming out, fishing out the mint. Then to top it all off, after you swirl the mint into your mouth to get a fresh minty breath, you spit in your partners ass.
Person 1: Dude, you smell minty fresh!
Person 2: Thanks man, but thats not my breath, my girl gave me the meanest mint chocolate chip. My farts are fresh.
by Stoner McBoner 69 September 4, 2023
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The act of eating a peppermint to trigger a conditioned mental response.

If done properly, "minting up" can help to:

- Self-motivate
- Channel a calming inner confidence
- Facilitate self-awareness
- Overcome any obstacle or challenge.

No specific type of peppermint is required, just make sure to stay consistent on brand/flavor.

Let the minty freshness take you away to that special place in your mind of absolute clarity.
Jimmy: I don't think I can lead that pitch; it looks too intimidating.

Johnny: Mint up Jimmy

Jimmy: eats a mint, takes a deep breath Okay, I got it. I'm ready- Thanks Johnny.
by jimmysjohnny March 27, 2023
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