A Closeted Weeb person who may call themselves a Sophisticated foreign media consumer, but has watched more than 1 anime.
Closeted Weeb: I’m not a Weeb I just like anime including one piece
Person 2:No you’re just a fucking Weeb
by sumdude November 6, 2022
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Worst kind of weeb. Watches anime for philosophical analysis. Loves Abraham Lincoln and //.hacksign
Ya know that philosophy weeb who quotes Aristotle all the time?
by WeebEnable630 October 28, 2019
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A pure weeb that acts like a weebs hater in order to make sure no one know he/she is a weeb.
Anep always act like a weebs buster to his fellow weeb friends.
by keitsuki March 8, 2021
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What to call someone when their bitchass lies about watching anime.
You lied about watching anime?!? Your such a non-weeb.”
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Somebody who obsesses over Weezer, much like weebs obsess over insert obscure anime.
Normal guy 1: Hey did you hear that Fred had Buddy Holly on loop for 4 hours?

Normal guy 2: “Jeez louise he’s such a weezer weeb..”
by Ihateweezer July 21, 2022
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weeb is an idiot
weeb is an idiot
by yako-li March 25, 2021
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A fuck head who uses the word weaboo incorrectly and plays WoW.
Person A: Fuck you weaboo
Person B: KYS warcraft weeb
by Kalamees February 15, 2017
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