This is the action of fucking the living daddy issues out of a abnormally dirty, hairy and crusty cunt of a lady with less than desirable hygiene standards.
My breath still stinks after that filthy bitch I fucked last night. "Oh was she a nympho"?? No mate she was literally filthy her underwear looked like somone spilt lemon curd in them! "Oh you did some "Rat Bashing mate", good show good show.
by Grittylover December 17, 2021
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Something readers of the manhwa Tower of God spend a lot of time doing whenever the manhwa is on hiatus
Person 1: I could have spent the afternoon discussing why Yihwa and Elaine are the two best Princesses of Jahad, or why Maschenny could easily beat any of the Family Heads, but instead I just talked about how much of a jobber Yama is.
Person 2: Seems like you spent the whole afternoon Yama-bashing again. Maybe you should give unOrdinary a try or take up basketball.
by Repellista November 24, 2022
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The act of tagging your 'friend' Sam in offensive, useless, outrageous and out right shameful posts on facebook for humiliation and or general annoyance
Leigh: Did you see I went Sam Bashing last night? You should see some of the things I tagged him in last night.

Steve: I saw some of it , that one about the mummy's boy was genius! I tagged him in a few too.

Leigh: I found some more. I'll go Sam Bashing again in a minute

Steve: Yeah.. I reckon he'll take offense to the one about the cheeseburger
by Triplesteve October 10, 2016
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Sharing the payment for several heads (bashs) of weed with friends or acquaintances. Bash-splitting usually happens when everybody within a circle is low on cash and the plug has a minimal order quantity higher than an individual can afford (5-10 bashs)
-Yo boyz, wanna get high tonight?
+ Yeah but shit man, im low on cash
-Same shit mans, but we can ask others and do some bash-splitting.
by paradoxxo October 2, 2019
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A better Term For the feamale equivalent to a Sausage party, in comparison to Taco Fest or Clam Fest
Girl: Damn how it's really a Boob Bash up in here with how little dick I'm see in, got damn.
by That0neGuy777 June 16, 2021
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Insulting/making fun of staff of a faculty. Usually used in pyschiatric wards.
Girl 1: Did you hear about the nurse fiasco today?
Girl 2: Shh! Wait until we're alone to Staff Bash
by watch naruto November 20, 2018
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When a man gets a fissure due to excessive force while receiving anal sex
What started off as a loving encounter ended up being bashed in the back window.
by All Bets Hedged June 10, 2021
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