Xanga is:
1. A weblog community. More specifically its a site used to maintain a diary/journal.

Xanga is not:
1.To be hated on:
A. You're a jerk if you post negative things about something so brilliant.
B. You probably own a live journal.
C. Just jealous Xanga is better.

2. Only a place where asian teeny boppers roam.

3. Only your average blog. It's a community.

Such views are expressed by ignorant individuals who in fact owned or considered owning a Xanga. The fact they know all this is because they've been to a couple hundred xanga pages in the past couple of months.
I updated my Xanga yesterday.
by JNX September 2, 2005
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The bottom of the barrel of blogs. It's incredible that the user base is able to write so much, yet say so little. I have to give a bit of kudos though, considering the fact that many of the users have the reading comprehension of a bowl full of pubes.
Steve honestly did have the reading comprehension of a bowl full of pubes, which made his Xanga an admirable effort
by Nic, on behalf of Maddox February 15, 2006
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Xanga is a web log community, or blog, for people too stupid or lazy to learn html and make a real website. Then they put pictures of them and their friends or their pet as a profile picture, then say their main interest is God and tell us about their boring Christian life in a preppy-fad way.
Jane - "You so tottally have to check out my xanga!"

Judy - "OKAY!!"

On the blog ---

OMG so today i was reallee mad at dis boi for punching me in da face da toher day! i am sfp i tonite am going to his house and sh00ting him, whtih a water pistle of course! lol well i gots 2 go feed my kitty! byez (#__#)
by master stghm January 24, 2005
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The act of surfing, or rummaging, through the site "Xanga.com".
"I was really bored yesterday; all I did was sit on the computer, Xangaing."
by WEEEEEEEEEEEEEe. November 8, 2006
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Someone who spends hours everyday looking at xanga entries or blogs.
"stop writing in your xanga journal all day you xanga whore!"
by nauyknt August 12, 2005
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a xanga fraud is a person who writes for the sole purpose of eliciting comments from the xanga community, without thought to the consequences or impact it may have upon certain parties.
You xanga fraud, you only write about sex and post elict pictures for eprops, you whore!
by xanga_stalker March 7, 2005
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(Noun)A lady or a woman who uses Xanga.
Damn! A Xanga Queen is next to me.
by Jeremy Mac October 1, 2007
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