Weed is another word for Marijuana.

Marijuana is a beautiful plant that can, and should be smoked.

All of the people bad mouthing it here, please go and try it then let us know what you think of it.
Dan - "Yo Ed! Pass me the weed so I can roll a joint!"
Ed - "No man, I'm too stoned! Get it yourself."
by Ed Gonson September 20, 2006
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see marijuana
1) Sweet sweet Cheeba.
2) The best plant on God's green Earth.
3)The drug all other drugs want to be.
4) The inspiration for such great entertainment as Half Baked, The Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cypress Hill's music, Rastafarianism, Cheech and Chong, and the Gettysburgh Address.
by Joe Friday July 6, 2005
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The single greatest thing that God could have ever given us.
It's healthy, it's fun, it's cheap, and it's easily obtained.
Dude. I'm so stoned.
This weed is bomb man.
Pass me that blunt, nigga.
by CrossTheJuggalo January 3, 2009
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Not to be confused with weed . A weed is a cigarette. Not used very often anymore. But the "a" at the beginning makes all the difference.
Hey man, pass me a weed.
by Kadla August 7, 2006
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It is the ultimate non-physically addictive happy grass that makes things like sex, food, tv, music and driving so freaking awesome. Weed helps with my seasonal depresion better than any prescription drug and unlike prescription anti-depressants doesn't build physical dependancy. It also works almost instantly, unlike the drugs so my blues is gone within 5 mins of me taking a couple of hits. Weed is my ultimate drug of choice.
Abusing herb (smoking out the whole day, every day hehehe...) CAN have a bit of mental dependency, but no major effects if you go without it. Also NOT smoking, or taking a break for about a couple of days will actually make you feel more energetic and appreciate how weed doesnt affect you permanently. To all the people who knock on weed and then go and smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol -- you're all a bunch of hypocrites! (P.S. Gandalf and the hobbits smoke that "Shire weed" hahaha)
by Gandalf The Puffing Wizard February 17, 2007
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The best mind-altering substance ever. Freewheelin' Franklin said it best:
Weed: "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you throught times of no dope."
-Freewheelin' Franklin of the Fabulous Furry Freek Brothers Underground Comics.
by Navy Dave July 11, 2008
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when someone or something, usually in the food or beverage industry, becomes overwhelmed and falls behind.
"Hey Chef, can you plate up those two fish for me?? Im in the weeds..."

"Oh snap! your in the weeds bad! what can i do to help??"

"When the oven broke it put is in the weeds real bad, and threw the whole night off."
by l'americain January 24, 2007
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