(noun) Footage of severe weather causing damage or incredible phenomena, which are enjoyable and gratifying to the viewers. Weather porn is a common product of storm chasers and news stations. Tornadoes are by far the most common subject of weather porn, but hurricanes, thunderstorms and flooding events can produce effective weather porn. Some weather porn may involve no damage, such as a view of the storm itself. In this context, a good money shot is a closeup of the storm doing damage.

Weather-related video clips that include title/keywords such as "Incredible," "Amazing," "Deadly" and other superlatives are often a good marker of weather porn.
The Super Outbreak of 2011 seemed to result in a similar outbreak of weather porn!
by Lefty September 25, 2013
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Weather that changes dramatically from day to day.
dude 1--Man its hard to get used to the bipolar weather here in Kansas. Yesterday it was colder than a witch's tittie and today its nicer than hell.

dude 2--Love it today cause tomorrow itll rain.
by tony oats February 4, 2008
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A weather girl hired specifically for her sex appeal. Only kept on the show because she attracts male viewers. Always has an absurdly large ass that she shows off by wearing tight dresses.
Mike: Why are you watching the news? We can get the weather on our phones.
Dave: I know, but I can't stop staring at this weather thot.
by Noclip858 May 23, 2021
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A person who sacrifices warmth in extremely cold weather to remain stylish.
Person 1: Dude, that guy is a total weather martyr.
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: He's wearing a leather jacket, blue French shirt, blue jeans, and converses in sub-zero temperatures. He is freezing his nuts off to look good rather than putting on a real jacket.
by Jonathan S. Tuttle January 5, 2010
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A moment of wanting your bf or gf to come to you in a room for sex usually in cold and moody weather
It Is weather for two today
by Maya dela Rosa February 24, 2022
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a total normal song bi a band called “The Neighbourhood
perosn 1: hey what music do you listen to?
person 2: my favourite song is sweater weather
person 1: cool i like girl in red
person 2: wanna date?
by PENlS SLAYER January 16, 2021
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A lukewarm dickhead who pathetically and totally illogically cancels his holiday due to rain at home. The prime example of this ridiculous class of individual is Fishy Macswell, the world's ugliest wanker, who put off his departure by an entire day because he was terrified of getting wet walking 20 feet from his house to his van.
I could almost understand cancelling a holiday if it was raining in the place of destination. But to cancel because of rain at home takes a world-class weather wuss.

And a dickhead.

Yes. A fat ugly dickhead like Pork Scotch.
by flappy dickwad August 16, 2009
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