An action wherein an individual runs circles around your nude body, slapping your genitals on every pass.
Add me to the list of people who just got a Voodoo donut from the babysitter.
by mobilechimp June 20, 2008
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When that Jew nigga you know sends that other nigga you know a picture of her roast beef and the nigga starts cancelling PlayStation accounts and shit!
Helen had some amazing voodoo poonanny to wreck Greazy so hard.
by Str8up-G- January 18, 2018
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The greasy sweat that occasionally forms between the buttocks when one is working a long shift, or hiking on a hot day. Sometimes aggrevated by a hangover or a shoddy ass wiping. Can lead to monkey butt.
I drank too much vodka the night before I had to work a double at the restaurant. My voodoo butter gave me a terrible itch!

That construction worker is so sexy, I would spread his voodoo butter on a cracker!
by ineffablejoy January 3, 2010
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nasty pussy juice film left on panties or thong....

....from Frank Zappa's 'tinseltown rebellion' album.....the panty rap cut.......
the famous 'voodoo butter' underwear that made his head snap back .......
by mickonboo February 14, 2007
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the feeling you get when someone jinxes you, and you swear it's been done before, but you can't remember where or when.
tammy: boy, i've had this burning, stinging sensation in my back for an hour now.
sammy: maybe you should see a doctor?
tammy: i thought about it, but i've had this pain before; it's like someone's poking me with a giant pin.
sammy: well then, you do need a doctor-a witch doctor!! maybe he can remove the curse that's been put on you. you say you've had this pain before?
tammy: yeah, a couple of times. last time was when i broke up with hammie again; all of a sudden i had these terrible shooting pains.
sammy: you know, hammie practices witchcraft and other dark arts. perhaps he made a voodoo doll of you, and every time the two of you get into it, he goes home and sticks it with needles.
tammy: so you think this is a case of-
sammy: -that's right, tammy. you're suffering from deja voodoo.
tammy: can it be treated?
sammy: not with western medicine. you must travel to haiti and see a witch doctor; he'll set you right.
*meanwhile, in another part of town, hammie has grabbed another needle......*
by earpuller July 19, 2006
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A deeply disturbed version of a pincushion, but of the single mom variety. Prefers men involved or married to seek revenge for her own failed marriage at the hands of her own unfaithfulness. Will take on a relationship, but only for monetary purposes such as vacations and bills. Nothing distracts her from keeping her voodoo doll status current.
Paulie; "I can't believe she stepped out on me after all this time."
Brian; "Dude, before you started dating Peg I told you she's a Voodoo Doll."
Two strangers at the bar in unison; "Amen! You're preaching to the quire."
by Millbridge99 September 10, 2012
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Despite the typical Hollywood stereotype, "voodoo" dolls are almost never meant to harm others. It also thought to be 'black magic', or the creepy stuff you see 'witches' doing on tv. No, its not like that at all.

The dolls didn't actually originate from the Afro-Caribbean traditions. They are actually a European practice that is meant to heal certain areas of the soul or body by picking them with pins from a doll, or poppet, and sending energies to the other person or being.
"Mary felt bad for her friend, May, who just broke her leg; she decided to heal her with a voodoo doll."
by witch bitch July 8, 2014
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